Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kampong Som Beach!

I finally went to the beach for a 2nd time! Ever!

A great ending to a big ol' trip if I do say so myself. I also discovered that I'm slightly terrified of the ocean and this trip further testifies me.

A good 5 hour drive from Phnom Penh to the outskirts of Sihanouk Village where Kampong Som beach is located. I have to note that Cambodia has one of the most discreet and most beautiful beaches in the world. I am very pleased that I'm able to be at one. We left our hotel at 7am and arrived around noon, stopping at the seafood market first where we purchased over $150 worth of seafood. Let me make a list of what we got:


-Blue crab (boiled & stir fried)

-Rice (duh..)

-A huge pack of Angkor Premium beer (The brewery is actually located in Sihounouk!)

-Fresh pepper and limes

-Lots of clams (big and little ones.)

We had 11 people with us so that's pretty damn good for 11 people. We spend ALL day at the beach. We rented out two small cabanas right off the shore lines and chowed down on some amazingly fresh seafood. The sand was white and clean. I usually expect beaches to be somewhat dirty. Nope, this one was nice and kept up. My favorite was the views of all the black rocks, mountains, and islands surrounding the sea.

The only thing that freaked me out when I finally decided to hit the water was not the fish... not even the crabs that you can see hanging out near the shoreline. I SAW JELLYFISH. It didn't help that I've been watching lots of Animal Planet and Discovery Channel, talking about poisonous irukanji or the box jellyfish, that can kill you in minutes.

My mom and I were the first to get into the water after eating just to get our feet wet. Then as I go deeper into the ocean I see these huge black artichoke shaped objects floating on their own in the water. My mom pointed out 2-3 more then I realized it had little tentacles... and that it was a flipping' jellyfish. I freak out trying to run towards the shore(because running in water isn't effective especially when the waves are heavy). I had to have one of the little boys swimming in the ocean tell me and my mom that the ones that these guys were harmless and will only make you itch a shit ton, and you have to squeeze lime juice on your sting if it happens. Well, I was sick and tired of mosquitos, I'm not about to find out how I feel about another unfamiliar itch.

Needless to say at least I can say I swam with a jellyfish!

After that little mishap, I went and hung out somewhere, ate, drank, swam (near the shoreline) walked up and down the beach looking at people and seashells, my parents, my brother and my cousin & her daughter took off for the hotel. I stayed with two of my cousins and two of my uncles to watch the sunset and set off fire works that we bought off of some independent sellers. Totally worth the stay.

The hotel was really nice, pretty authentic even my bed had sand in it, I'm not kidding it really did). You now that saying... "Better get the sand out of your vagina!" when someone is being a jerk or a bitch. Does that apply if it happens to you literally? I mean... i know that's a lot of info but it's just so funny, I'm in the shower and I find sand in my butt crack and crevices and I didn't even know existed... I was just flabbergasted.. but I also thought it was kind of funny. I got a mad awesome sunburn too.

I had a splitting heading by the time bed time hit (9pm lameee). I thought I was dieing from a jellyfish sting that I wasn't aware of so I was hoping I wouldn't wake up dead or paralyze but I woke up and it was gone. I figured it was lack of water, roasting under the sun and loading up on junk food before bed.

Needless the say. I'm coming back. I will be brave and take on you little jellyfish!