Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good afternoon, Vietnam!


12 hours to Vietnam was the biggest pain in my ass bus-ride ever. We had to hit up border control not once... but twice. Let me tell you. Lugging you luggage about a mile at a time (at least it felt like it) and filling out some paperwork for Visas stink. Not to mention the bus was tiny and Sunny and I aren't little people so we were squished like bananas on that damn thing.

We finally arrived in Vietnam Monday afternoon and headed to my uncle's family house. I didn't realize that they had moved from their small hut to this large 4 story stone house with a white and gold gate entrance.

Talk about instant upgrade.

With his 5 children, then two of them with children of their own, a-long with their spouses, a maid, and a cute little black pointer puppy, a house that big is necessary for all those people! The house was beautiful, all the floors are stone or porcelon. There is a nice lofty strairway that sqaures off in the kitchen to the second floor. There is also 3 porches and another pair of metal spiral stairs that lead up to a small area on the top level. It's quite a neat house. My uncle did well.

All the kids (my cousins) have there own scooter, bike, bicycle, moped of their own. One of my cousins Lih, I clicked with right away, we got a long pretty well. She's very tom boyish has a sweet boyish haircut and is super cute. She drove me around on her cool white moped (with flower decals) to see the city and visit with my extended family while I was there.

Okay, I'm getting bored with just writing a description. I think a list will be less tiresome to write and it saves you all the skimming. Here goes:

-Shared a bed with Sunny in a 13 year olds room, with teeny bopper posters everywhere and no ac.

-Sunny and I were annihilated by mosquitos. We look like we have measles. We tried to protect our selves with wool blankets. That doesn't work well in 90 degree weather with no AC. The first night was pure hell

-I met all 6 of my uncles .My dad is short and the pale one.

-Rode in a fishing boat

-Fell asleep on a board in a jungle

-Drank coconut juice out of a cocoanut freshly cut out of a tree!

-Sunny got drunk and talked to me for hours before going to bed (about his g/f and his car & my problems). Did I mention he never talks to me and is a huge shy introvert.

-Saw my dad go clam diving in the river. He's out-of-shape

-Saw my uncles go Lobster catching. With their bare hands.

-Watch Sunny eat a freshly killed then roasted snake.

-Too many damn snails. Everyone eats them. Too slimy and creepy.

-Sunny and i finally got a mosquito net. We still look like we have measles.

-My aunt ask me if I had a face lift. I don't know if I should take that as a complement.


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